About the Blog

This website and blog have been created to share my experiences with family and friends and anyone else that might benefit from reading about some of my projects. I am also attempting to learn something about web-design so you might find the style and layout of my pages changing from time to time.  For the Home page, I am using Dreamweaver as my WYSIWYG html editor.  I know a little bit about coding however, I don’t want to get into the weeds of programming.  This Blog page is a WordPress theme called “Lovecraft” (after H.P. Lovecraft) and I will eventually be customizing it as a “child-theme”. Enjoy!


  1. Marc

    Hey Uncle Steve! What a freakin awesome website/blog. Hilarious too!
    Keep me in the emailing list. I want to be in the loop! And learn about stuff.

    • Steve Bissell

      You got it Marc! And don’t be afraid to leave criticism or suggestions for improvement.

  2. Naomi

    Hey dad!
    Thank you so much for my bed frame! Its just the way I wanted it to be 😀 you are one talented man! THANK YOU


  3. Guido Flury

    wow, this is great’n cool stuff! keen to see more
    very well done & keep on truckin’
    cheers, Guido

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